Honestly, not a clue. I think I met him once.
For now, a bit about me. I'm in my 30s and live in Kent, just outside Canterbury. I grew up in the Midlands, at the mid point between Stratford, Worcester and Birmingham. I came to Kent aged 18 to go to Uni...and got stuck. I'm now only a couple of years away from having lived down here longer than I lived there. So I'm neither a Brummie nor a Man of Kent. I'm better than that. I'm both.
So what will you find here? For now, I'm not sure. I've had a change of lifestyle in the last few years (to whit, I've actually got a life), and as a rampant egomaniac with significant inferiority issues (I know, it's like the internet was made for me!), I've decided to write about the things that go on in it, because it will of course be endlessly fascinating for an audience made up of people on t'internet. At the time of writing this page, I haven't written any posts, so this could end up going any direction, but for now, I'm fairly certain it will contain reviews, updates, commentary, rants and whimsical musings on:
- Films
- Music
- TV
- Sport - primarily cricket and rugby (can you smell the middle class? No? That'll be because according the BBC, I'm Elite....which says far more about society than me)
- Doctor Who
- Comics
- Books
- Whisky (and occasionally whiskey)
- Cigars
- Travel around the UK
- Commander Tours
- The Canterbury Players
- Haaaave You Met RV?
- General geekery
- Feeling the need for Korean Pizza
- Social events
- Current events
So why a blog? Why not? It saves trying to break rants or stream of consciousness musings into chunks of 140 characters on Twitter, though I shall continue to do so there no doubt for convenience, and have therefore included links to the relevant accounts on this blog - view them as companion pieces. It's a place where I can be a bit more direct than on Facebook, where I try to avoid too much direct comment either on personal matters or otherwise (a rule as often notable for the breaking as well as the observance - and which has given me a reputation for being inscrutable at best, wilfully obscure at worst). And, it helps me practice writing, something I love doing, but keep not finding time for.
So, who is RV?
Obviously, some of the time he's me. Friends, family and co-workers increasingly know me as RV, a name which came about just because I was too lazy to write my full name at the bottom of emails. So it shouldn't be anything more than a convenient name. However, it has come to represent both the life I have discovered and live now, and the person I am trying to be. It has been the source of a short lived internet meme and an ongoing social mission, and a few hashtags on Twitter. There is definitely such a thing as the RV life.
Maybe it's best to think of it this way. As a friend of mine (a little inebriated) once said - "RV isn't a name, it's a state of mind."
Weclome to the RV life.
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